January 02, 2006

Grey Balloons and the Hipsters

Ahhhh, nothin' like a small-town "controversy." It seems that a former Club Congress employee called Luke Knipe has started a shitstorm-in-a-teapot with his Grey Balloon alter-ego. First he posts on the Tucson Scene website, then he starts his own blog with the "I dare ya to call the cops" title of Stalking Neko (NB: No link on purpose. Google, if you must).

What I find most amusing about all of this is that he expends so much energy and time dissing the so-called "sacred cows" of the "scene" because they won't let him join their little club ... I mean, talking smack about someone won't make that person want to be your best friend.

Truth be told, I only know of this Luke person. I've never met him, although I probably heard him butcher some unsuspecting band's sound during his short tenure as Congress's "we're desperate for a body at the mixer" last-call "soundman."

He declares that he "hates hipsters" (see his 12/26/2005 post, "My Mentor"), which makes clear his self-loathing. He defines hipster: wanting desperately to work at a no-wage glamour job at the cool downtown club long after he's old enough to know better.

I can sum up Luke's position on this as follows:

"Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me. I'm gonna eat some worms."

Luke, some free advice: Consider obeying the First Rule of Holes, which says, "When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."

Posted by Andy at January 2, 2006 06:49 PM