January 03, 2006

Current reading ...

One New Year's Resolution that I made was to read more books. (That, and ride my bike!). There's a stack of books on the nightstand -- Philip Roth's The Plot Against America, Paul Krugman's The Great Unravelling, Jonathan Lethem's The Fortress of Solitude and on and on ... Plus, for the holidays I got a copy of Carducci's Rock and the Pop Narcotic and some more rock crit stuff.

Of course, when I was a high-school student, I worked at the local library and I must've read a half-dozen novels a week. But somewhere along the line, I read less and less, and spent more time in front of the damnable computer.

So, what did I start with? Last night, I re-read Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, which I read back in high school (when it was first published) and I didn't remember a word. 'twas good, and it introduces characters and situations that never get addressed. Of course, it's the start of a whole series, and next on my list is Episode II, The Drawing of the Three, which is somewhat longer.

Soon, that new Roth ... soon.

Posted by Andy at January 3, 2006 05:26 PM